My Family's SoulStory

I have a snapshot I took in a passing window of my son and I which sits in a frame by my bedside.

I love this picture of River and me.  Not because it’s the best picture that I ever took, but because River is 6’5’’ now and towers above me and this moment in time brings me back to how sweet it felt when he snuggled right onto my heart as he hugged me. And how beautiful his wild white long blonde tresses were as part of his then signature style which he lopped off a few weeks later along his road to self discovery. This moment would have been forgotten in the whirlwind of parenting, but because this one was captured I get to relive that crisp sunny winter afternoon and all the soulful feelings that arise inside me when I see it.  

We all grab our cameras to document the milestones, and these are wonderful to have!  But how do you want to remember your time spent with your kids?  What are the feelings that you want to bottle and never forget? And who is documenting these for you?

Invite me into a day of your life, and let me capture your ordinary, extraordinary SoulStory.

xo, Satya


Freedom of Expression


What is a SoulFire Session?